Widgets and publication

Embed FX Blue into your own website
Embed FX Blue results into your own website
You can embed FX Blue's analysis and statements into web pages on your own site using a simple iframe.
Visitors have access to charts, statements, and sophisticated features such as filtering without leaving your own site.
Other publication options
You can generate banners and charts for inclusion on your own website or in forums. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of open and recent positions on this account. Web developers can use scripts provided by FX Blue Live to display information about the account (or multiple accounts) in any format.
Dynamic charts
Width: pixels
Height: pixels
HTML for chart:
Static charts
Link to:
Width: pixels
Height: pixels
HTML for chart:
Banner style:
Link to:
HTML for banner:
RSS feed

An RSS feed of open and recently closed positions on this account is available at the following URL:


The feed includes machine-readable information: each <item> in the feed includes account: or position: nodes.


If you run your own website and are proficient in Javascript, you can use scripts provided by FX Blue Live to show headline account information in any format. You can also combine information from multiple accounts.

To see an example of this in action, click here and then do view-source to inspect the HTML/Javascript making up the page.

The URL of the script for this account is <script src="//www.fxblue.com/users/mingyupe/overviewscript">

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